
Travel to the End of the World! Join us in this adventure and get to know the most southern capital city in the world, Ushuaia. Be astonished by its landscape littered with dense forests, snow-capped mountains, lakes and millenary glaciers! Please be aware that as this is an experience which visit different destinations, just so you know at each destination you will have different guides and different travel companions who will share the activities with you. This is NOT a group tour where everybody leaves same date, do same activities, and return same date with a Tour Leader. If you have questions, please ask prior confirming the booking. Thanks

4 Nights 5 Days Available on request Argentina

What is included in the tour

  • Accomodations
  • Guide

What is NOT included in the tour

  • Travel insurance
  • Flights
  • Explore  End of the World!
Day 1 Arrival to Ushuaia Airport, transfer to your hotel + Afternoon Beagle Channel Navigation

Arrival transfer from Ushuaia Airport to hotel (you must arrive around 12:00pm).  

In due time, transfer to Touristic pier. Presentation time at 2:30pm. Check-in registration and start the Beagle Channel and Sea Wolf Island, the first remote tourist destination. Sailing between two oceans, meeting the fauna that inhabits the southernmost waters of the continent, and getting close to the Les Éclaireurs lighthouse are some of the must-do activities on your stay in Ushuaia. We have an approach to the history of the first expeditions that arrived in the region, and to the species of animals and plants which are present in the imposing Beagle Channel.Birds island: Our tour guide accompanies us to teach us about the history, geography, and marine fauna of the environment we are submerged into. Birds show themselves all around us and during the entire sail, flying over the waters that make up their natural habitat. Our first stop is Bird Island, where we will sightsee cormorants, seagulls, terns, and the snowy sheathbill.Sea lions island: In another of the Beagle Channel islands, we find the South American sea lions and the South American fur seals. It is interesting to see the behavior and habitat where these imposing sea mammals live. We have the opportunity to get near them and see in detail their behavior!Les Éclaireurs Lighthouse: Upon arrival at Les Éclaireurs lighthouse, we can appreciate how the fauna of the channel lives together in this scenery. We travel in time to reminisce the sinking of the SS Monte Cervantes that happened in 1930; and to learn the reason why some call it “the lighthouse of the End of the World”.

Overnight @ Hotel Los Acebos or similar

Day 2 Morning excursion Tierra del Fuego National Park & transfer to Airport to take your flight to El Calafate (FTE)

Breakfast at hotel. 

Pick up at 8:00-8:30am at the hotel and you will visit the stunning Tierra del Fuego National Park situated in the south-east of the province, almost touching the border with Chile. This is the most southern national park in the Andes and is a beautiful Patagonian forest with lakes, lagoons and rivers. Take a ride in the Austral Fueguino train, known as the “Train to the End of the World”. The train crosses the Pipo River, stopping at various points so that passengers can appreciate the fantastic panoramic views of Lago Roca and Lapataia Bay, and the impressive snowed-capped peaks of Cerro Nevado and La Cadena Sampaio (Chile). 

Return to the hotel. Recover your luggage and transfer to the airport to board your next flight destination El Calafate.  (we reccommend to book a flight departing after 4:00pm) 

Arrival at local airport and transfer to your hotel. 

Overnight @ Hotel in Calafate Alto Calafate ****

Day 3 Full day Navigation Todo Glaciares

After breakfast we will take a bus to Punta Bandera where we will then get on board of a boat for a trip across the "Ice Rivers". Here we will appreciate the other various glaciers: Upsala, Onelli, Agassiz and Bolado. You can take along with you a box lunch or you can buy some snacks on the boat. 

The catamaran will take you to the main points of interest in the Glacier National Park. We will first stop in front of the colossal and icy blue walls of the Upsala Glacier. With a surface area of 870 square kilometers, it is the third-largest glacier in the Southern Hemisphere. From the boat, we will be able to observe its incredible icy landscape, which even serves as a training ground for the military forces that travel to Antarctica.

We will continue our journey to the Spegazzini Glacier. The most impressive thing about this mass of rock and ice is its walls: they reach a height of 135 meters! We will leave behind its white peaks between Chile and Argentina to enter the cold waters that surround the Seco Glacier. 

This is a retreating glacier (hence its name) that shows a tongue of land eroded in the past. Around it we will observe the green vegetation trying to make its way through the ice.

The catamaran will continue its journey along Lake Argentino to Punta Bandera. After tour is over you will be transfered back to your hotel in El Calafate

Overnight @ Hotel Alto Calafate or similar 

Pickup point
Argentina View on Map