

Gorgora is a town and peninsula in northwestern Ethiopia. It is located south , 60km southwest of Gonder on the north shore of Lake Tana .Gorgora, has a striking tropical vibe for history buffs and all. The former capital city provides the chance to see rarely visited monasteries and makes a good excursion for comfortable escape from the ordinary.

Gorgora served as one of the early capitals of Ethiopia during the reigns of Emperor Susenyos I and his son Fasilides before Fasilides founded Gondar. The city is named after the 4th-century Saint & Church Father Gregory the Illuminator, who is a prominent figure in Ethiopian Orthodox Theology. 

Lake Tana and Blue Nile

The Blue Nile and the Lake Tana, located in the North West highlands of Ethiopia in the Amara Regional State, have been a passion that has driven many explorers since historic times. In ancient Greece, the source of the Nile was considered as one of the earth’s most compelling mysteries. A Greek historian, Herodotus, wrote about the Nile extensively in 460 BC. He believed the river sprang from between two massive mountains. Likewise, Emperor Nero ordered his explorers to follow the Nile in search of its source. References to the Blue Nile can be found in the Old Testament of the Bible as the River Gihon, which “flows around the whole land of Cush” (as Ethiopia was known to the Hebrews).

It is the largest fresh water lake in Ethiopia with catchment areas of 15321 km at its outlet and the third largest lake in the Nile Basin. The Lake and its basin comprise a full area of 15096 km2 (drainage pus Lake Tana area) of which the Lake area covers 3,050 km2. It accounts for 50 percent of the total inland area of Ethiopia that feeds the Abay River, which contributes 85% to the total flow of the Blue Nile. The lake is fed by more than 40 rivers and streams, but 93% of the water comes from four major rivers: Gilgal Abbay, Ribb, Gumara and Megech.

Lake Tana has been the political and spiritual centre of the Ethiopian Christian faith for many centuries. It is made up of 37 Islands, around 27 of which have monasteries, churches, and ruined of palaces which are the oldest age and considerable historical important. The impressive monasteries and churches located in spectacular aquatic landscapes are of great significance to the history of African structure. The remarkable elements of several stages of construction are outstanding examples of monastic architecture. 


2 Nights 3 Days Available on request Ethiopia

What is included in the tour

  • Guide

What is NOT included in the tour

  • Flights
  • Insurance
  • Meals
  • Optional
  • Visit to to the small town of Tiss Abay
  • Visit Tana Qirqos
  • Visit to Gumara River



Day 1: Bahir Dar 

Mornning drive to the small town of Tiss Abay(32 km rough road) to visit the impressive Blue Nile Falls, locally known as Tis Issat or 'Smoke of Fire'. The waterfalls sprinkle up to a kilometer away. Today; much of the water is diverted for Hydroelectric Generation plant but it is worth visiting for the walk around, a Portuguese made bridge (17 Century), some birds and the evergreen country side. The area around the waterfall is amazingly fertile and the Amhara people who live here farm wheat, sorghum and Teff (from which Injera, the national bread, is made). After the fall, return to Bahir Dar & make city tour of Bahir Dar: the market where you can find the pottery, traditional hand-made woven clothes, and Woito Basket market. Overnight – at chosen hotel/lodge – Bahir Dar 

Day 2: Gorgora

Lake Tana has been the political and spiritual centre of the Ethiopian Christian faith for many centuries. It is made up of 37 Islands, around 27 of which have monasteries, churches, and ruined of palaces which are the oldest age and considerable historical important. The impressive monasteries and churches located in spectacular aquatic landscapes are of great significance to the history of African structure. The remarkable elements of several stages of construction are outstanding examples of monastic architecture. 

The imposing monasteries and their subsidiary establishments, which are protected by their inaccessibility except by water, have been ideal havens for Ethiopian cultural treasure since the 13th the century. Remains of ancient Ethiopian emperors and invaluable treasures are kept in these island monasteries . Many of the earliest manuscripts, artifacts and ecclesiastical objects as well as the remains of ancient Ethiopian emperors and their treasures were housed in the following island monasteries of remaining there for centuries safely. 

first stop

The Zege Penisula monasteries reflect the native building tradition in their round shape, materials and building techniques. Each one consists of three parts: the inner sanctuary, the inner ambulatory and the outer ambulatory. The outside walls of the sanctuary are ornamented with magnificent paintings.

2nd stop visit Tana Qirqos

Tana Qirqos is one of the Islands of Lake Tana, located in the eastern part of the Lake, near the mouth of the Gumara River. This homonymous island boasts as one of the oldest Judaic religious establishments in Ethiopia. According to legends, the Ark of the Covenant had been brought to Ethiopia by Menelik I, placed at Tana Qiros and remained there for about six hundred years before it was taken to Mary Tsion church in Aksum. The presence of sacred objects in the area are testified the allegation. An elaborated altar for animal sacrifice stands on the premise of the present monastery of Tana Qirqos. There is also an iron handle of the switch, which the priests of the old Hebrew religion in the pre Christian times used to sprinkle people with blood sacrifice.

3rd stop

Dek Isand

Dek is one of the largest Islands of Lake Tana, located in an upraised conical shaped hill rising from the Lake. The forest clad cone, raising the water is one of the most prominent features of Deq Island. The monastery of Narga Selassie, hidden in the forest clad is one of the most prominent monasteries in the Lake Tana region. It was built in the thirteenth century and served as custodian of Ethiopian Cultural Heritages since its establishment. Many of the early manuscripts, ecclesiastic objects as well as jewelleries of mediaeval kings have housed in the library of the monastery for centuries. Remains of ancient Ethiopian emperors and invaluable treasures are also kept in this imposing monastery. The Island of Deq was the political and spiritual center of the Christian empire during the mediaeval periods. The 14th century ruined palace and Water gates, build of rock and lime mortar is in a wonderful state of preservation considering that it had stood nearly for six

Day 3: Gorgora

Gorgora served as one of the early capitals of Ethiopia during the reigns of Emperor Susenyos I and his son Fasilides before Fasilides founded Gondar. The city is named after the 4th-century Saint & Church Father Gregory the Illuminator, who is a prominent figure in Ethiopian Orthodox Theology. 

first visit

Debre Sina Church

Built in 1608 by Emperor Susenyos’ son and future founder of Gonder, Fasiladas, on the site of a 14th-century monastery.the church is beautifully decorated with frescos – including pictures of historical giants as Emperor Fasilades, Queen Sheba and King Solomon.. . One of the frescoes, the “Egyptian Saint Mary”, is said to have been brought to the area from Egypt and is believed to have the power to heal.. The church’s thatch roof and surrounding stone buildings lend this monastery a more ancient feel than most.

2nd stop

Mandaba MedhaneAlem monastery 

This ancient monastery is found after 30 minutes by boat, 90 minutes by tankwa or two hours walking to the west through the remarkable and beautiful forest. It was established by Tsadiku Abune Asay, the son of Amede Tsion. 

The monastery gets its name from the legend that Aba Assay's usually traveled by wide stone on Lake Tana using as boat. This miracle was mind boggling by the local people and they said who can do like Aba.Its Amharic translation is "Man Inde Aba." By explaining this legend, the elders associate the name of the monastery with Aba Assay's miracle. The monastery hosts The ancient stone of Aba Assay's ferry, wall paintings and different holy artifacts, ancient biblical manuscripts and some of Ethiopia’s most dedicated and pious monks . This monastery is closed for women.

3rd stop

Mussolini'sMonument ( Lighthouse)

The Italian invaders during their short lasted stay in the country had made different construction activities to strengthen their military power. One such building is the monument of Mussolini found Gorgora. Approximately has 20 meters high, was built to serve As commanding tower to watch any movements of the patriots as far as the horizons of all the directions. 


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