
Start and end in Livingstone! With the Safari tour From Livingstone: 3-days safari travel to Kafue National Park (southern part), you have a 3 days tour package taking you through Livingstone, Zambia and Kafue National Park,. From Livingstone: 3-days safari travel to Kafue National Park (southern part) includes accommodation in a hotel as well as an expert guide, meals, transport and more.

2 Nights 3 Days Available on request Livingstone, Southern Province

What is included in the tour

  • Accommodation

  • Guide

  • COVID-19 Health & Safety Measures

  • Meals

  • Additional Services

  • Transport

What is NOT included in the tour

  • Insurance

  • Optional

  • The journey from Livingstone to Kafue National Park
  • Departure from Livingstone for Kalomo town.
  • We will drive to the local Choppies Super market.
  • Travel to Itezhi Tezhi town
Day 1 You will be picked from your Lodge in Livingstone to travel to the Kafue National Park – southern region.

Program of the day

07:00 am: Wake up and take a bath: Please ensure that you take early breakfast at your lodge in Livingstone. The journey from Livingstone to Kafue National Park southern region is a long one taking almost the whole day.

08:30 am -  You will be picked up from your lodge/hotel in Livingstone. After leaving your lodge, we will make a brief stop-over in Livingstone town. This is to give you the opportunity to either buy any last items or chnage your hard currency into the Zambian Kwacha currency for the journey to the remote Kafue National Park, southern region.

09:30 am - Depart  from Livingstone for Kalomo town. You will travel north on a good T-1 tarmac road, covering about 120 kms from Livingstone before reaching Kalomo.

11:55 pm Arrive in Kalomo town, the first colonial capital city of Northern Rhodesia, now Zambia. 

Breakfast: You will take a delicious breakfast at any good restauarnt in Kalomo.

We will then drive to the local Choppies Super market. Buy all the necessary groceries and mineral water at Choppies supermarket. This will be in readiness to  travel off-road on the dust Dundumwezi gravel road to the wildness of Kafue National Park.

13:30 am:  Leave Kalomo and depart for Dundumezi south gate, some 80 kms from Kalomo. 

Activity: Briefly branch off the Dundumezi dusty road  on the outskirts of Kalomo to visit the first colonial state house of North-West Rhodesia (now Zambia) that was used by the colonial administrator. Thereafter the tour, rejoin the same Dundumwezi dusty road and proceed to Kafue National Park.


14:30 pm - Enter the Kafue National Park at the southern tip of the park at Dundumwezi (Department of National Parks and Wildlife) main gate. At Dundumwezi gate, a Zambia Wildlife Officer will take down your particulars and for the vehicle before entering the park.

Narration (information tip): Despite you entering the Kafue National Park, no park entry fees will be demanded from you as we shall be in transit through the national park to Itezhi Tezhi town. However, with the Kafue National Park under new management of the African Parks organisation, this mighty change at short notice. 


Overview: Kafue National Park is Zambia’s prime location for a ‘wild’ safari". It is utterly wild, untouched and jammed full of wildlife in a raw African setting. You will not see too many tourists in this park due to its unique remote location. Sighting of wild animals is an exciting adventure as wild animals are sparsely populated due to the large size of the Kafue National Park.


17:30 pm.  After traveling for some time in the game park, you will exit the Kafue National Park southern region at Musa gate and travel to Itezhi Tezhi town,  a 4 kms distance.

18:30 pm: Check-in at any of these lodges:  KONZANI LAKEVIEW Lodge  or Jakulima Guest House or CMS Lodge  or Main Guest Flats or Kafue Flats in Itezhi Tezhi town or just in any good level lodge.

19:00 pm – 20;30 pm:  Evening or  dinner and relaxation with friends.

21:00 pm:  Retire to bed to sleep.

Day 2 Activities in Kafue National Park southern region including a visit and tour of Longola Hotsprings

Program of the day

07:30 am: Wake up from  either Konzani Lakeview Lodge or Jakulima Guest House or CMS Lodge or Main Guest Flats or Kafue Flats  in Itezhi Tezhi town. This is about 4 Kms away from the MUSA gate of the Kafue National Park. Thereafter you take your sumptuous breakfast.

08:30 am: You will then leave for Ngoma game management area of the Kafue National Park - southern region for game viewing.

09:30 am – 10:30 am:  Enter into the Ngoma management area inside the Kafue National Park - southern region for game viewing.

10:20 am – 11.30 am: Commence touring around Ngoma area management, stopping frequently in safe places to have a closer look at some wild animals.

11:30 am – 12:00 pm: (Optional acitivity): Time and conditions permitting, drive to the Elephant Orphanage centre within the Kafue National Park - southern area.

Narration (information tip): You will see the marvelous work being done by David Sheppard Foundation volunteers in looking after vulnerable elephants. 

Any donation from you either in-kind or cash is welcome. Your contribution goes towards supporting the marvelous work being done in protecting vulnerable young orphaned elephants and later releasing them into the wild once fully grown.

What may be donated by you can be (not compulsory):

1. Medicines to be used for caring for these elephants

2. Food supplements for the elephants.

3. PPE Safety working clothing for the elephant care givers including any cash donation of any amount.

4. Any financial support in cash is welcome.

12:30 pm - 13:30 pm: Eat sumptuous lunch at Elephant Orphanage centre.

NOTE: On certain days, the Elephant Orphanage center is closed to members of the public including tourists for visitation and tour. This is done to enable the center management carry out specialized routine medical care for the elephants. In this kind of situation, you will not visit the elephant orphanage center but continue with game viewing in the Kafue National Park, ngoma management area.

14:00 pm  -  Proceed to Nkala and Ngoma game management areas using the various loops especially those located along the river for more wildlife viewing.

Exit Kafue National Park at Musa gate and return to the lodge in Itezhi Tezhi town to take a short rest.

Visit to Longola Hotsprings

16: 00 pm:  Leave for Iyanda Village situated outside the Kafue National Park for Longola Hotsprings for nature and cultural tour experience.

Narration (information tip): No hotspring bathing facilities are available at Longola Hotsprings but you will enjoy a beautiful scenic view of the hotsprings that includes  leafy Palm Trees.

18: 00 pm:  At the end of the Longola tour, you will return to your lodge in Itezhi Tezhi for the evening of rest.

19:00 pm – 21:30 pm:  Evening  dinner and relaxation with friends.

21:00 pm:  Retire to bed to sleep.

Day 3 Travel back to Livingstone whilst doing enroute wildlife viewing excursion.

Narration (information tip):  On this day 3, you will travel back to Livingstone. On our way  back  to Livingstone, after entering the Kafue National Park at Musa gate we will  proceed to the spinal road and the inner  loops to see some more wild animals for the last time.

07:00 am – 07: 30 am - Take breakfast and  check-out from KONZANI LAKEVIEW Lodge or CMS lodge (or Main Guest Flats or Kafue Flats or Jakulima Guest House) for the Kafue National Park Central Game Management Area by re-entering Kafue National Park – southern region via Musa gate. 

08:30 am - Travel along the spinal gravel road winding along the Lake Itezhi Tezhi heading  and some inner loops.  See plenty wild animals along the road drinking from the Kafue River.  Then join the Dudumwezi Road  heading to Kalomo enroute to Livingstone.

12:00 pm:  Exit the Kafue National Park (southern region) at Dundumwezi gate and proceed to Kalomo.

14:50 pm: Arrive in Kalomo  and take lunch at any good restaurant.  Thereafter, join the Livingstone T-1 road and proceed to Livingstone.

16:30 pm:  Arrive in Livingstone and straight away dropped at your lodge/hotel.

Pickup point
Livingstone, Zambia View on Map