
Golan Heights is in the North of Israel, with the borders of Jordan and Syria. The scenery is beautiful with the mountains, and the greens of the trees and grass. There are plenty of Syrian fortifications to see in the Golan Heights. Katzrin is a wine making city, you can see the vineyards, with the grapes on the vines. There is a site that in the 4th century was an old Jewish village that contained a synagogue. The Talmidic Village is in a national park. The Golan Antiques Museum has the archeological findings from around the area. Acre resides on the Mediterranean Sea, and is one of the oldest inhabited towns in the world. There are many types people of may different religions residing in Acre. There is an underground Crusader city here that can be explored.

2 Nights 3 Days Available on request Golan

What is included in the tour

  • Accommodation
  • Transport
  • Private Guide

What is NOT included in the tour

  • Personal Expenses
  • Flights
  • Insurance
  • Ascend Mount Bental, overlooking the Kuneitra Valley
  • Wander through the ruins in the ancient port of Caesarea
  • Visit the Crusader underground city and crypt of Acre
  • Admire the lush green fields of the Golan Heights
Day 1: Caesarea,Haifa,Acre.

Exit north to Caesarea, the ancient Roman Capital and port. We will take you on a walking tour of the theatre, archaeological ruins, and excavations. Continue to Haifa, Mt. Carmel, with a scenic view of the Bahai garden, also the city and port. Drive to Rosh Hanikra to visit the limestone grotto's and view the border with Lebanon. Return via Acre to visit the Crusader underground city and crypt. Walk through the Old City market. Return to hotels.

Day 2: Golan Heights

Drive north along the coastal road. On the route we stop for an overlook of Megiddo. Drive through the Jordan Valley, stop at the Baptismal site on the Jordan River. Ascend to the Golan Heights with an overview from Hammat Gader of the triangular border with Syria, Jordan and Israel. Onwards to the city of Qatsrin, the Talmudic capital of the Golan. Visit the ancient synagogue of Katzrin. Ascend Mt. Bental, overlooking the Kuneitra Valley and stop at a former Syrian fortification. Descend to the Hula Valley for an overnight stay in a kibbutz hotel.

Day 3: North Israel

Take a short tour of a kibbutz settlement. Visit the Banyas Reserve (Caesarea Philippi) the source of the Jordan river - with its flowing icy cold waters. Then onto the crusader castle fortress Ka'alat Nimrod and then onto Birkat Ram, a natural lake located on an extinct volcano at the foot of Mt. Hermon. Drive south to Safed to visit ancient synagogues and the artists quarter. Return to hotels.

Pickup point