  • Start in Saint Anna Archipelago and end in Haradskar Island!

    You be the explorer in Sweden's most stunning and untouched coastal wonderland! The remote Saint Anna Archipelago on the Baltic coast is heaven for kayakers and you're in for an unforgettable adventure! 

    Nowhere in Europe can you find 6000 islands so closely clustered together - a maze from the forested sheltered islands close to the mainland out to the barren islets bordering the open sea. You are free to paddle and wild camp wherever you like! There is an abundance of coastal birds and you may even spot Grey seals. Always find an island completely your own to set up camp, cook a delicious meal and watch the sunset. 

    Easy access! fly to Stockholm Skavsta, Stockholm Arlanda, Linköping City Airport or Norrkoping Airport.

    We offer self-guided, yet full service kayaking trips. We take care of all practical aspects of your adventure, but the holiday is yours...all yours! Top quality kayaking, camping & cooking gear provided. On site we give a briefing on safety, navigation and the area. Return transport Norrköping-Saint Anna included. Access to our comprehensive food order - choose from hundreds of products in advance, we shop and pack for you. There are no tides, swells or currents to worry about in Saint Anna, and it's perfect for beginners and experienced kayakers alike!

    Saint Anna boasts one of Sweden's highest number of sunny days with some of the warmest temperatures in the sea. Almost all the islands are uninhabited, but the area also has a rich history of farmers, fishermen and seafarers living their whole lives out here. It’s completely up to you what choose to explore – visit cultural points of interest, do all wilderness, or more likely, a blend of both!

5 Nights 6 Days Available on request Södermalm, Stockholms län

What is included in the tour

  • Accommodation.
  • Detailed guide book.
  • Additional Services.
  • Cell phone for weather reports & communication.
  • Transport.

What is NOT included in the tour

  • Flights before and after the tour are not included.
  • Insurances are not covered.
  • Meals are not included.
  • Explorer in Sweden's most stunning and untouched coastal wonderland!
  • Free to paddle and wild camp wherever you like!
  • Three hundred year-old pine and linden trees.
  • Spectacular sunset views.
  • Stunning route southeast through the outer archipelago.
  • The blue horizon is your backdrop.
  • Self-served wood-fired sauna right by the waterfront at a very low price.
  • White-tailed eagles are often seen soaring past!
Day 1 Pick-up in Norrköping at train station or any hotel/hostel

Our Self-guided Expedition last 5-8 days. This is an example itinerary for 6 days, and you have lots of flexibility in choosing your route. Launch and finish at locations, three spots to choose from, which makes it easier to adapt your route to weather conditions and cover more distance.

Pick-up in Norrköping either at the train station or any hostel/hotel of your choice at 10.00. It's an hour-long drive down windy country-side roads to the coast and beautiful Saint Anna.

Day 2 Into the maze

All your provided gear and pre-ordered groceries are waiting for you at the launch. We'll do a briefing on navigation, safety and the area, and go through a rough plan for your expedition. You'll repack your clothes into drybags and load the kayaks. Using our top-of-the-line equipment is a real treat! It can be hard to justify purchasing gear of that caliber on your own!

Our launch site is situated in a sheltered bay – soon you round the first islands and see a maze of islands spreading out in all directions. During your paddle northeast towards Aspöja you’ll pass through many clusters of forested islands and islets. A variety of different ducks, as well as swans and Grey herons breed around here, and White-tailed eagles are sighted regularly since they nest in large trees nearby.

Continue paddling through the Uggelholmarna Nature Reserve, a great spot for a break. Three hundred year-old pine and linden trees grow here, and the open forest is perfect for a short wander. Aim east towards the narrow inlet between Lammskär and Kalvskär - you'll end up surrounded by a beautiful and sheltered atoll formation of islands.A short distance north you'll reach the cluster of islets south of Aspöja - one of the most gorgeous settings of the archipelago with spectacular sunset views.

Day 3 A band of islands against the horizon

Today is an absolutely stunning route southeast through the outer archipelago and its barren wind-pined tiny islands. Begin by heading east past the bird sanctuaries around Torrskär and Stångklabben. Large colonies of Herring gulls breed around here and perhaps you'll spot waders like Oystercatchers and Ruddy turnstones.

Continue your expedition southward to the Missjö Archipelago, where massive clusters of hundreds of islets and skerries stretch south for ten kilometres. The blue horizon is your backdrop and it’s so beautiful out here! You may spot Ospreys, Great Cormorants and Arctic skuas along with many other types of birds. Grey seal sightings are frequent around Norrbådarna and Ådskär.

After a strenuous paddle you reach one of the most famour points of interest in Saint Anna - the old navigation mark Kupa Klint. It’s a fantastic lookout with spectacular views of the archipelago spreading out below. Inside the outer band of skerries you find the large island Missjö with its parallel islands. There is a rustic pub on Missjö run by local boat taxi man and sea dog Mats. He's often there to host and tell stories and it's a very fun time indeed!

Day 4 The village that time forgot

Steer your kayak south towards the most visited island in the area – Harstena. An idyllic view of the village greets you as you paddle the narrow inlet. Harstena is famous far and wide for its picturesque and historic beauty. Learn more about the history of the village at the museum in the old school, munch on delicious cinnamon swirls from the bakery and treat yourself to a meal of delicious archipelago cuisine at the water-side restaurant.

A short paddle west takes you to Torrön and its mosaic of surrounding islets. It’s a very beautiful sheltered area with shallow waters, smooth rocks and calm creeks – great for swimming and sunbathing. Make sure to look down as you glide through the myriad of skerries to view the bladder wrack forests on the rocky bottom

Day 5 A wood-fired sauna on the sea

Some of the area's most dramatic scenery awaits to the west. A narrow strait takes you to the  steep rock walls crashing almost vertically into the water by Väggö. On the same landmass you find Ämtö Nature Reserve. This part of the island bare many signs of farming in the past – centuries of grazing animals have created an open forests with lots of sunlight shining through. There are a few hiking trails through the old agricultural landscapes, rocky pine forests, oak meadows and wetlands.

Circle back up to Håskö and one of the few traditional homesteads left in the archipelago. The small-scale fishing operation is renowned for fresh deboned perch and alder smoked salmon.

There is a self-served wood-fired sauna right by the waterfront at a very low price. You can also soak in a wood-fired hot tub, but be sure to call in advancecas it takes a while to heat up.

Continue south through the narrow strait by Kråkmarö – a secluded area with many traditional old dwellings used as summer homes, aiming for Gubbö.

Day 6 The abandoned copper mine

The final morning waking up in your island wonderland, you're probably camped somewhere in the pretty clusters of islets south of Fångö. Be sure to take a last dip in the sea and have a hearty breakfast before you head out for tgh day.  Paddle up the eastern side of the large Fångö island to the abandoned copper mine. During the 19th century, this was a prominent site for mining copper and there are many remains from this era still – deep mining shafts, massive piles of waste rock and old house foundations.

Round the island and kayak through the tiny canal that takes you opposite Fyrudden. Cross a small strait westward, and you reach the mainland and the endpoint of your journey. Unload the kayaks at the dock, wander the marina, eat some ice-cream, and start reminiscing. You just completed an impressive kayaking expedition all by yourselves in a truly wild coastal landscape!

Pickup point
Archipelago Hostel Old Town, Stora Nygatan, Stockholm, Sweden View on Map