
This special tour brings you to the roots of the ancient great Indian epic The Ramayana – a tale that depicts the duties of relationships, portrays ideal characters, and explores the tenets of human existence and the concept of Dharma. Sri Lanka's rich Ramayana heritage is the proud custodian of more than 50 Ramayana sites from the place of Seetha Devi's captivity to the battlefields where vast armies clashed, to the groves of exotic herbs dropped by the monkey god Hanuman, to the ultimate theatre of war where Lord Rama slew Ravana, the ten-headed demonking. People living in the areas where great events took place, remember to this day the connection of their soil to the great epic. An oath taken at the spot where Seetha Devi undertook 'Agni Pariksha' is still considered valid in village courts or grama sabhas. The colour of the soil of the ancient battlefield is still red today, and is still surrounded by lighter coloured earth. One of the airports of Ravana, torched by Hanuman when he came looking for Seetha Devi, still has a scorched-earth look. A patch of darker soil surrounded by brown earth. Exotic alpine Himalayan species are found suddenly amidst tropical Sri Lankan vegetation, the legacy of Hanuman's heroic voyage carrying a mountain with life-restoring herbs. Though great social, cultural and religious changes have taken place in Sri Lanka since, incredibly, the names of places have come down to modern times unchanged.

5 Nights 6 Days Available on request Sri Lanka

What is included in the tour

  • Accommodation in 3 Star Hotels
  • Private Guide
  • Meals
  • Insurance
  • Transport

What is NOT included in the tour

  • International Flights
  • Service Taxes
  • Entrance Fees(if any)
  • Special group rates on request
  • Private transportation with an experienced driver/guide
  • The tour can be customized and/or extended on request


Day 1: Pick Up/Airport - Kandy - Temple of the Tooth Relic

Your driver will meet you on arrival at the Bandaranayake International airport or any other location of your choice. On the way to your hotel in Kandy you will enjoy a picturesque drive through rice paddy fields, banana and tea plantations. In the afternoon visit to the TEMPLE OF THE SACRED TOOTH RELIC. It was built within the royal palace complex which houses the only surviving relic of Buddha, a tooth, which is venerated by Buddhists. The relic has played an important role in the local politics since ancient times and it's believed that whoever holds the relic, holds the governance of the country. One of the reasons which caused the ancient kings to protect it with the greatest effort. Kandy was the capital of the Sinhalese Kings from 1592 to 1815, fortified by the terrain of the mountains and the difficult approach. The city is a world heritage site declared by UNESCO, in part due to the temple. Monks of the two chapters of Malwatte and Asgiriya conduct daily ritual worship in the inner chamber of the temple, in annual rotation. They conduct these services three times a day: at dawn, at noon and in the evening. On Wednesdays there is a symbolic bathing of the Sacred Relic with an herbal preparation made from scented water and flagrant flowers, called Nanumura Mangallaya. This holy water is believed to contain healing powers and is distributed among those present.There are special religious programs conducted in the temple on every Full Moon Poya day where large numbers participate. Apart from these daily, weekly and monthly ceremonies, there are four major ceremonies held every year. They are Aluth Sahal Mangallaya, Avurudu Mangallaya, Esala Mangallaya, Karthika Mangallaya. Of these, the most important is the Esala Mangallaya.

Day 2: Kandy - Sri Baktha Hanuman Temple - Ramboda - Gayathri Peedam -Nuwara Eliya

After breakfast, you will be leaving leave for Nuwara Eliya. On the way, we will visit the SRI BAKTHA HANUMAN TEMPLE in Ramboda. Ramboda is an area, where the forces of Rama's gathered to fight against King Ravana. The hills of Ramboda are also believed where Hanuman was searching for Sita Devi. The Chinmaya mission of Sri Lanka has built an Anjaneyar temple with Hanuman as the presiding deity. This temple is called Sri Baktha Hanuman temple and the image of Lord Hanuman here is 16 feet tall. In the afternoon a visit to the GAYATHRI PEEDAM in Nuwara Eliya. Gayathri Peedam is believed to be the place from where King Ravana's son Meghanath propitiated Lord Shiva with penance and pooja's and in turn, was granted super natural powers by Lord Shiva. The Gayathri Cathedral also known as Sri-Lanka Theeswarar Temple which he built is situated in an area fondly identified as Sri-Nagar which means the Metropolis of Prosperity. Nuwara Eliya is a Colonial township known as the ‘Little England' for its breezy atmosphere to the outside world and the Islanders. Nuwara-Eliya is a mountainous town situated above 7000 Ft. above Sea level at the central province in the island built around a chilly lake surrounded by lush Tea gardens, abundant vegetable cultivation, stunning water-falls and Virgin woodland.

Overnight at Heaven Seven Hotel, Nuwara Eliya

Day 3: Nuwara Eliya - Hakgala Botanical Garden -Seetha Amman Temple - Divurumpola Temple - Rawana Ella Cave & Rawana Falls -

After breakfast, you will be leaving leave for Ella. Visit to the HAKGALA BOTANICAL GARDEN. Hakgala Garden is the exotic pleasure garden where king Ravana kept the depressed Sita, insisting that she marry him. It was here where the heart-warming meeting took place between her and Hanuman, who brought her Rama’s ring with the news that Rama was looking for her. He offered to carry her back but she refused saying it would be an insult to Rama’s honor if he did so. Part of this majestic garden still exists. It is also said that Hanuman nearly destroyed it in order to prove to Ravana of the forces against him. Visit to the SEETHA AMMAN TEMPLE. The stream that runs from the hill, catered to the needs of Sita Devi during her stay at Ashok Vatika. She is said to have bathed in this stream. About a century ago of three idols were discovered in the stream, one of which was that of Sita. It is believed that the idols have been worshipped at this spot for centuries. Now there is temple for Lord Rama, Sitadevi, Luxshmana, and Hanuman by the side of this stream. It is interesting to note that foot prints akin to Lord Hanuman's are found by this river and some are of small size and some are of large size, which tells us of the immense powers of Hanuman transforming himself into any size. Afternoon visit to the DIVURUMPOLA TEMPLE . Divurumpola means a ‘place of oath’. This is the place where Sita underwent the “Agni” test. She came unscathed and proved her innocence and purity. The message of Rama’s victory over Ravana was sent to Sita. After a bath and adorned with jewels she was taken on a palanquin before Rama. Meeting her husband after such a long time she was overcome with emotion, but Rama seemed lost in thought. At length he spoke, "I have killed my enemy. I have done my duty as a true king. But you have lived for a year in the enemy’s abode. It is not proper I take you back now." Sita was shocked. "You have broken my heart" she said,"only the uncultured speak like this". Have you forgotten the noble family I come from? Is it my fault Ravana carried me off by force? All the time, my mind, my heart, and soul were fixed on you alone, my lord! She turned to Lakshmana and said with tears streaming from her eyes, "prepare for me a fire. That is the only remedy for this sorrow of mine." Lakshmana in suppressed anger, looked at Rama’s face, but there was no softening, he lighted a big fire. Sita reverently went round her husband and approached the blazing fire. Joining her palms in salutation, she said, "if I am pure, of fire, protect me."With these words she jumped into the flames. Then arose from out of the flames Agni, the fire-god, whom she had invoked. He lifted Sita from the flames unharmed, and presented her to Rama. "Don’t I know that she is spotless and pure at heart? cried Rama, standing up to receive her. It’s for the sake of the world that I made her go through this ordeal of fire, so that the truth may be known to all." Today the temple is revered for the oath taken by Sitadevi and even the legal system permits and accepts the swearing done at this temple while settling disputes between parties. Visit to the RAWANA ELLA CAVES & RAWANA FALLS. Rawana Ella Cave is where Ravana was hiding Sita. Ravana Ella Cave located at the massive Ella Falls; a breathtaking 1080 feet high waterfall that cascades into several falls. The rocky undergoes of the waterfall is Khondalite, a kind of limestone which undergoes faster decay as hard gneiss or granite. This has resulted in many caves being formed near the falls. King Ravana is said to have lived in one of the caves above the waterfall. A nearby pool bored out of the rock by the gushing waters is where Sita is said to have bathed Ravana. Late afternoon return to Nuwara Eliya.

Overnight at Heaven Seven Hotel, Nuwara Eliya

Day 4: Kelaniya - King Vibeeshana's Shrine - Negombo

After breakfast, you will be leaving for Negombo . Visit to KELANIYA. After King Ravana’s death, Vibeeshana was coroneted as King of Lanka by Lakshmana at Kelaniya. There are murals enshrined outside the Buddhist temple depicting the crowning of Vibeeshana. The Kelani River is mentioned in the Valmiki Ramayana and Vibeeshana palace was said to be on the banks of this river. The reason Lakshmana crowned Vibeeshana, was because Rama had to return to India as he had to continue his self-exile of 14 years to honor the commitment to his father, King Dasarath of Ajodhya. King Vibeeshana was considered a fair king, as he supported Rama against his own brother’s injustice. Many devotees that visit king Vibeeshana’s shrine pray to him asking his intervention to a fair recourse to their problems. Afternoon free for a walk in Colombo Galle Face Green or Negombo beach.

Overnight at a Negombo Hotel 3*

Day 5: Munneswaram Temple - Manavari - Ramalinga Shivan

After breakfast, you will be leaving for Munneswaram. Visit to the MUNNESWARAM TEMPLE. It is believed that Munneswaram predates the Ramayana and a temple dedicated to Lord Shiva was located here. Munneswaram means the first temple for Shiva (Munnu + Easwaran). A Shiva Lingam was already here when lord Rama visited the place. Lord Rama after his victorious battle left for Ayodhya with Sita in one of King Ravana's vimanas. He felt he was being followed by Bramhaasthi dosham (a malevolent black shadow) as he had killed King Ravana who was a Brahmin. When the Vimana was passing over Munneswaram, he felt the vimana vibrating, and realized the "Brahmaasthi Dosham" was not following him at this particular point. He stops the vimana at this juncture and asks God Shiva for a remedy. God Shiva blessed Lord Rama and advised installing and praying for four lingams at Manavari, Thiru Koneshwaram, Thiru Ketheshwaram and Rameshwaram in India, as the only remedy to get rid of the dosham. Visit to MANAVARI , Manavari is the first place where Lord Rama installed and prayed the Siva lingam after the end of the war with King Ravana. To date this lingam is called as Ramalinga Shivan. Rameshwaram is the only other lingam in the world named after Lord Rama. Late afternoon return to Negombo and relax at the hotel/beach .

Overnight at JAS Pool Villas in Negombo

Day 6: Airport / Colombo or any other destination on Sri Lanka's West Coast

After breakfast you will leave for the Airport or continue with one of our Sri Lanka Tours or Sri Lanka Holiday Packages.

Pickup point
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