

Join the Storytelling Expedition to Rwanda explore the country as a citizen storyteller. In partnership with Red Rocks Rwanda, we will learn about their efforts in community-based conservation, and produce documentary stories that help further their work.

Red Rocks Rwanda is a social enterprise that connects community development with environmental conservation. By bringing under-served communities into the tourism supply chain, they catalyze sustainable community development projects that help people help themselves. Their many projects help local communities get access to education, health care and sustainable income that honours their traditional way of life while providing a sustained, reliable source of funding for the local organization through the tourism.

On this Storytelling Expedition, we are invited into the local communities that surround Volcanoes National Park, a top attraction in Rwanda. We will learn about a uniquely Rwandan approach to environmental conservation, cultural conservation, community engagement and economic development, all while documenting the stories of the local experts, leaders and changemakers. 

The aim of this Storytelling Expedition is to document the stories behind the community-based conservation efforts in Rwanda championed by Red Rocks Rwanda. We will learn about the struggles and successes of individual community members as they have come to embrace community-based conservation and the impact it has on their lives and culture. 

Our group of travelers will become a crew of citizen storytellers and work together to create a library of digital media assets that Red Rocks Rwanda can utilize to help further their mission. The videos and photos we create will be used to effectively share their story with global partners, government entities and potential visitors. 

Each day of the storytelling project will provide opportunities for conducting interviews, arranging photo sessions and documenting what you encounter in Rwanda. The ‘deliverables’ that our crew produces may include micro-documentaries, social media video clips, photo essays, event photos,


9 Nights 10 Days Available on request Rwanda

What is included in the tour

  • Accommodation
  • Guide
  • Meals
  • Transport

What is NOT included in the tour

  • Flights

  • Insurance

  • Additional Services

  • Visit to o Kigali
  • Visit to Red Rocks Rwanda
  • Visit to Volcanoes National Park


DAY :1 Arrival

Arrival to Kigali, Rwanda. You are met at International Airport and transported to our first guesthouse to meet up with the rest of your crew. Spent the remaining day resting, settling in or exploring the nearby neighborhoods. Our crew of storytellers gathers for the first time at a welcome dinner, hosted by your Actuality producer. Arrival to Kigali, Rwanda. You are met at International Airport and transported to our first guesthouse to meet up with the rest of your crew. Spent the remaining day resting, settling in or exploring the nearby neighborhoods. Our crew of storytellers gathers for the first time at a welcome dinner, hosted by your Actuality producer. Arrival to Kigali, Rwanda. You are met at International Airport and transported to our first guesthouse to meet up with the rest of your crew. Spent the remaining day resting, settling in or exploring the nearby neighborhoods. Our crew of storytellers gathers for the first time at a welcome dinner, hosted by your Actuality producer. - Arrival - Transport to guesthouse - Welcome Dinner

DAY 2: Orientation

After traditional breakfast served at the guesthouse, our crew departs via private shuttle to the town of Musanze, 95 kms north and near Volcanoes National Park. This is our basecamp for the rest of the expedition. After we arrive and refresh at the guesthouse, we receive and orientation and tour of Red Rocks Rwanda, meeting the leadership and learning about their mission. In the afternoon, we have a briefing on ethical, collaborative storytelling exploring what it means to share someone else’s story. - Breakfast - Transport to Musanze - Orientation + Tour - Ethical Storytelling Briefing

DAY 3: Environment

Our crew visits the environmental projects of Red Rocks Rwanda including the community agriculture, tree nursery, and medicinal gardens. We identify compelling stories within these projects and document them with photography, video scenes, and interviews. In the evening, we review the footage from the day and discuss our experience. - Breakfast - Environmental Projects Tour - Storytelling Project Planning Meetings - Documenting Visuals - Interview Sessions - Footage Review + Feedback

DAY 4: Culture

Our crew visits the cultural preservation projects of Red Rocks Rwanda including culturally rooted activities that are available for visitors. We identify compelling stories within these projects and document them with photography, video scenes, and interviews. In the evening, we review the footage from the day and discuss our experience. - Breakfast - Cultural Projects Tour - Storytelling Project Planning Meetings - Documenting Visuals - Interview Sessions - Footage Review + Feedback

DAY 5: Empowerment 

Our crew interviews community members to hear their stories of success. We explore how sustainable, community-based tourism has changed their lives for the better. We also create empowering photography portraits of individuals and families, to gift back to our hosts. In the evening, we review the footage from the day and discuss our experience. - Breakfast - Interview Planning - Interview Sessions - Photography Portraits - Footage Review + Feedback 

DAY 6: Arts

Our crew visits the Kinigi art gallery to view works and meet young artists. We document the stories of youth from the communities surrounded Volcanoes National Park created an arts for conservation project. In the evening, we review the footage from the day and discuss our experience. - Breakfast - Kinigi Art Gallery Tour - Interview Sessions - Documenting Visuals - Storytelling Project Planning - Footage Review + Feedback

DAY 7: Excursion

A day off from storytelling. We venture into Volcanoes National Park for a hike to glimpse the golden monkeys. - Breakfast - Golden Monkeys Hike at Volcanoes National Park

DAY 8 :Editing

Our crew spends the day processing, planning, and beginning to edit the media we documented. The Actuality Producer is available anytime for brainstorming, feedback and support in a comfortable co-working space. - Breakfast - Editing Workshop

DAY 9 :Screening

We ‘deliver’ any photography or short form video that is easily completed and share it with the community we collaborated with on a big screen. We plan a post production strategy for the rest of the stories still unfinished. We celebrate with a farewell dinner before saying goodbye and heading to the city of Kigali to prepare for departure. - Breakfast - Delivery - Post Production Planning - Screening - Farewell Dinner - Transport to Kigali

Day 10: Departure

Time to part ways. You will be transported from the guesthouse in to the International Airport in time for your flight home. Breakfast Transport to Airport Departure

Pickup point