
4 days tour in Israel, the best and most popular places of Holly Land. Jerusalem and Dead Sea, Pearls of Sea Side and Galilee.

3 Nights 4 Days Available on request Israel

What is included in the tour

  • Accommodation
  • Transport
  • Guide

What is NOT included in the tour

  • Personal Expenses
  • Flights
  • Travel Insurance
  • Wander through the ruins in the ancient port of Caesarea
  • Float in the famously salty waters of the Dead Sea
  • Walk in the footsteps of Jesus Christ in Jerusalem
  • See where the Saviour spent his childhood in Nazareth
Day 1

Pick up is at 07:15 a.m. from your hotel in Tel Aviv, or 08:30 from Jerusalem. Travel to Jerusalem in an air conditioned mini van. Start with a panoramic view from the Mount of Olives, see the new city of Jerusalem, and the Temple Mount of the Old City. When driving you will be able to see the walls of the city and the Garden of Gethsemane. Entering the Old City by way of the Armenian Quarter, arrive at the Western Wall. Walk along to the Stations of the Cross, the Via Dolorosa, and arrive at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Continue on to the Byzantine main street that is over 1700 years old. Visit the Cardo and the Jewish Quarter. Walk up to Mt. Zion and only on Saturdays visit the Hall of the last Supper and David's tomb, on all other days visit Yad Vashem, the Hollocaust Museum. The best of Israel in 4 days www.tourradar.com/t/101786

Day 2

Start the day by being collected from your hotel, in Jerusalem or Tel Aviv. As we are leaving Tel Aviv, drive along the Mediterranean, to Caesarea. Explore the excavations with your guide, and view the well-preserved rooms, a moat, and the gateways. There is a beautiful Roman amphitheater that is very well preserved, and still used today for major events, and concerts. See the remains of a hippodrome and a Roman temple. Continue North through Haifa and tour the Baha'i Shrine and the famous gardens. There are 19 terraces that make up the garden. Drive on to Rosh Hanikra and descend in a cable car to the grottoes. Driving back we will see Acre, a huge Crusader city. It is very well preserved, and it is hard to believe that it has survived through the years. Tour the Turkish prison that was used under the Turkish rule, and also by the British to hang the Jews, so that it would limit the immigration after World War 2. Arrival back at your hotel about 18:00 p.m.

Day 3

07:20-07:50 .m. pick up start from your hotel in Tel Aviv. At 09:30 a.m. you will arrive to the Dead Sea for your relaxation day. you will have access to the beach for the day. 15:30 start your way back to Tel Aviv The bes

Day 4

Start the tour by being collected from your hotel in Jerusalem at 05:50, or from Tel Aviv at 07:15. Drive past Netanya and Hertzeliya, traveling north and drive through the Armageddon plain. There will be a view of Megiddo, and we will stop at the Mount of Precipitation. When arriving in Nazareth the first stop will be the Church of Annunciation. This church was built on the place that the angel Gabriel appeared before Mary. Next to this is the church of St. Joseph. Leaving Nazareth travel to the Sea of Galilee, and pass Cana, where Jesus turned water into wine. At the bottom of Mount Beatitude, tour Capernaum, which was the home of Peter, and the Benedictine Church that commemorates the miracle of the Multiplication of the Loaves and Fish. As we continue, view the Golan Heights in the background, and pass Tiberias, the modern city that was built over 2000 years ago and was named after the Roman emperor Tiberuis. For those who wish there will be a chance to be baptized with the waters of the Jordan River. On the way back we will pass the site of the Transfiguration, at Mount Tabor. Arrival back in Tel Aviv about 18:00.

Pickup point