
Enjoy Tambopata while discovering amazing flora and fauna right outside your lodge. You will be able to observe many different species of plants and animals, as well as enjoy our exciting jungle excursions. 

2 Nights 3 Days Available on request Tambopata, Madre de Dios

What is included in the tour

  • Private Guide
  • Transport
  • Meals
  • Accommodation

What is NOT included in the tour

  • Flights
  • Insurance
  • Discover Tambopata National Reserve Zone
  • Arrival to the Sandoval Lake
  • Explore Amazon jungle
Day 1: Puerto Maldonado to the Lodge

Upon arrival at airport or bus station in Puerto Maldonado, we will meet you and transfer you to our office to make a registration. Your excess luggage will be stored safely in our office in Puerto Maldonado and then we will continue to the Capitanía port. We take our motor boat along the Madre de Dios River for approximately 40 minutes to our Lodge. A cool welcome drink will be waiting for you. Monkey’s Island - Caiman Spotting After a well-deserved lunch, we take the boat to Monkey Island. Upon arrival at Monkey Island, we will be able appreciate a great diversity of monkeys such as the: capuchin, tamarines y squirrel monkeys and they will put on a show of swinging through the treetops charging down the trunks of the large trees that form their home in order to accept food from our hand. We will return to the lodge and after dinner we will have our night activity, where we will take our boat and stream through the Madre de Dios River in search of the Jungle caimans. They are generally on the banks of Madre de Dios River this time will need to bring a flashlight. With luck we may see the capybara the world's largest rodent that can weigh 60 kilos impressive family of the Peruvian cuy. Night at the lodge. **NOTE:. Arrival flight must be before 13:00hs for transportation. 

Day 2: Lake Sandoval 

After a great breakfast, we will take the boat to get to the control of Tambopata National Reserve Zone, after 1 and half hour walking through the rainforest we are approaching to the famous Sandoval Lake. Where we will be surrounded by immense ancient trees and entangled vines; we will be able to see multihued flower and fauna including: Giant Otters, birds, coloured butterflies, turtles, and variety of fish. We will spend few hours in canoe on this one of the most beautiful lakes in region. After lunch, the adventure starts by reaching a tower and stairway that ascends to the treetops where a an unforgettable experience through hanging bridges that cross the tops of the large trees of the low Amazon jungle, from where you can see colorful species of animals that normally cannot be seen from the ground. Rest of the day to rest and enjoy the sound and relaxing Jungle. Night at the lodge

Day 3: Parakeet’s Clay Lick – Puerto Maldonado

Very early in the morning, we will leave our lodge to reach the parakeets salte licks. Early each day, they come to eat rich clay that provides them with the salts and minerals necessary to metabolize and neutralize the toxins and acids of the flowers, fruits, and seeds upon which they feed. We will return to the lodge around 7am for breakfast and take our boat back to Puerto Maldonado, our boat departures at 10:30am. Follow by transfer to airport or bus station. End of our service! **NOTE:. Return flight must be after 13:00h for transportation 

Pickup point
Tambopata, Peru View on Map