
These days you will visit the most important places of Cusco such as: City tour Cusco, Sacred Valley, Machu Picchu that is a wonder of the world, Rainbow Mountain and Qeswachaka bridge. 

5 Nights 6 Days Available on request Cusco, Cusco

What is included in the tour

  • Accommodation
  • Private Guide
  • Meals
  • Transport

What is NOT included in the tour

  • Flights
  • Insurance
  • Visit to Aguas Calientes

Representatives of Chullos Travel Peru will be waiting for your arrival at the airport and your transfer to the hotel. Free morning to rest and acclimatize. At 1:00pm pick up from the hotel for the City tour, first place to visit Koricancha (Temple of the Sun), a guided tour of 45 minutes and then go to the mobility. After 30 minutes in the mobility we will arrive at Sacsayhuaman (of the Quechua of Saqsay = place of satiated and Waman = Falcon, place where the Falcon is satiated"). Then visit Qenqo (Ritual Center on a rocky outcrop) , a place of much mysticism that you will feel when entering the outcropping Rock. After 15 minutes of mobility we will arrive at PucaPucara (red fortress) Military construction. Last visit will be Tambomachay, known as the Inca Bath where it was made a water cult. After our journey we will take the mobility for the return to Cusco, time approximate arrival at 7:00 pm. At the end of the tour you will be left near the main square of Cusco


The tour begins with the pick up at 7:00 am after a delicious breakfast at the hotel. Then we enter the sacred valley, a trip of 1 hour and a half to reach the archaeological center of Pisac in which we will have a guided tour of approximately 1 hour, we will also have time to make purchases such as jewelry and local handicrafts. Then we will travel towards the Wilkamayu river or sacred river where we will arrive at Urubamba, capital of the sacred valley where we will have a buffet lunch (typical Andean food). Once lunch is over, we will travel 30 minutes in the mobility to visit Ollantaytambo, an archaeological site where we will have a 1-hour guided tour, highlighting the Temple of the Sun, Intihuatana, the Baths of the Princess and Andean terraces. At the end of this tour, the guide will show us the way to the train station (Ollantaytambo), where we will board the train to Aguas Calientes (small town of Machu Picchu) at the indicated time. Upon arrival, the hotel staff will be waiting for you with your names to take you to the Hotel where you will spend the night (approximately 8 p.m. the guide who will accompany you the next day on the Machu Picchu tour will visit your hotel to provide you with all the necessary information and recommendations).


Very early We start the day with breakfast at the hotel and then board the bus to the citadel of Machu Picchu (25 minutes). Upon arrival at the citadel of Machu Picchu, the guide will be waiting for you at the main door, to enter we will show you an entrance ticket, from this place you will start the 2-hour guided tour, where the guide will explain the informative part of Machu Picchu and you will have time for the corresponding photos with the help of the guide. At the end of the tour you will board the bus that will take you back to Aguas Calientes, where you will have lunch, the guide will indicate the place of the restaurant, as well as the location of the train station. After lunch you will have to go to the train station to board the train that will take you to Ollantaytambo (2 hours). At the Ollantaytambo station you will change to the bus of the same company that will take you to Cusco. Upon arrival in Cusco there will be a mobility agent waiting for you at the bus station to take you to your hotel 


Our tour begins with the pick up from your hotel at 4:00 am in the morning, we head for 2 and a half hours in mobility towards the district of Tintinco, where we will make a 30 minute stop to have a delicious breakfast in a restaurant. We continue the trip to the Chilihuani area (50 minutes), where we will start the walk at 8:30 am to the Rainbow Mountain, 2 hours of ascent approximately with beautiful landscapes and view of llamas and alpacas until we reach the maximum height of 5050 meters above sea level, at the top we will have between 30 to 40 minutes with the guide and time to take pictures. We return by the same route to the parking park, where mobility will be waiting for us to take us back to the district of Tintinco, there a buffet lunch will await us for 40 to 50 minutes. We will return to the city of Cusco with an arrival of approximately 5:00 pm At the end of the tour you will be left near the main square of Cusco.


The tour begins with the pick up from your hotel at 4:30 am, after almost two hours of travel through the south of Cusco we will have a breakfast box and then be able to start with the visit to the four lagoons. After enjoying a quiet moment near the lagoons, we will visit the small volcano Pabellones that is located near the village of Yanaoca. Then we will arrive at the impressive Inca bridge. This Inca suspension bridge is made of vegetable fiber (Ichu) and is located over the Apurimac River in the district of Quehue. The existence of this bridge dates back to Inca times. Renovation and maintenance is done once a year by local people from the four surrounding communities. Before starting with the renovation of the bridge, an offering is given as a sign of respect and gratitude to the Pachamama. We will have the opportunity to cross the Inca bridge from both sides. Then we will go to the restaurant where we will have a buffet lunch. On the way back to Cusco we will make a last visit to the colonial Inca bridge of Checacupe where you can see the differences between both bridges. This interesting trip ends in the city of Cusco at approximately 5 pm. At the end of the tour you will be left near the main square of Cusco. 


You will have a free morning to relax depending on the time of your flight. At the indicated time a mobility agent will take you to the airport. 

Pickup point
Cusco, Peru View on Map